On a few computers installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.3 or 11.4 I’ve got error that cannot install KES. Error was that KES installation process can not install KES because is error at installing klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys driver.

Remove KES, install with KSC, error again.

Install KES as standalone package, error again.

Remove KES with kavremover, install KES, error again.

I leave that computers, shoud reinstall Windows 10.

But ..

I found in c:\windows\system32\drivers FOLDER klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys, someting is wrong, on my computer where KES is successfully installed, it is file. Renamed klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys to klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys1 and voila, KES 11.4 was installed on that computers without problems or errors.

So, on command prompt or File Explorer

rename c:\windows\system32\drivers\klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys c:\windows\system32\drivers\klupd_KLIF_arkmon.sys1

Install Kaspersky Endpoint Security as usual.

Категорије: IT

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